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Senshin Center looks to train all its members in the Budo, The Way of the Martial Arts. Of primary importance for the child member, Budo aims to cultivate the virtue of resilience. At Senshin Center, child members are personally mentored in resilience through three programs: Aiki I (Beginning), Aiki II (Intermediate), and Aiki III (Advanced). Our main aim is to help children find the best versions of themselves and to have their training support all of their future endeavors.

Senshin Center

The Martial Way

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Aiki I


Aiki I functions primarily through games, meditation, and discussion.  Our games nurture the child member for more advanced training by cultivating body-mind coordination, eye-hand coordination, cross-lateral coordination, multi-relational thinking, environmental awareness, increased focus and attention span, a capacity for silence and stillness, and muscular and bone development through body weight resistance training.  Additionally, through our games, child members are mentored in the virtues of bravery, integrity, tenacity, compassion, wisdom, self-responsibility, and social harmony.


Please feel free to have your child attend or observe an Aiki I class anytime.  A call or email is greatly appreciated if you'd like to try a class, but is not necessary. 


Aiki I is open to all ages but is primarily geared toward children 4 to 9 years of age.

Aiki II


Aiki II continues to cultivate the physical, mental, and spiritual fundamentals gained in Aiki I only it is done more through Aikido practice and less through developmental games. Additionally, Aiki II participants are more fully introduced to traditional dojo culture.


Our Aiki II program is also attended by our senior dojo members in order to increase the teacher-student ratio. This allows Aiki II members to benefit from group training as well as providing them with the benefits of private instruction.


Aiki II is open to graduates of the Aiki I program and to children 10 years of age or older.

Aiki III


Aiki III training is advanced Aikido training.  It is open to graduates of the Aiki II program only.  Aiki III students are also able to combine their Aiki III practice with our local school districts' independent PE programs and our local law enforcement agency's Explorer and Explorer Club programs if so desired.

​Senshin Center • 6396 Hollister Avenue, Goleta, CA 93117 • •  805-708-5246​

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